Our office is located at 108 E Locust Street at the Montgomery County Health and Civic Center. Next door to the UK Ag Extension offices.
Medical Clinic Hours:
Monday 8 am – 5 pm
Tuesday 8 am – 6 pm
Wednesday 8 am – 5 pm
Thursday 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 12 pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays
We offer flexible scheduling. Walk-ins are welcome each morning at 8 am, or you may call for an appointment at 859-498-3808.
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday 8 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday 8 am – 6 pm
Wednesday 8 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday 8 am – 4:30 pm
Friday 8 am – 12 pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays
We do not have a physician on site. You need to see your family doctor for acute illnesses.
No, but if the person who has lice has a Medicaid card or K-CHIP insurance, their physician can prescribe treatment and the cost of the prescription is usually covered. Click for more information on head lice. More information.
Department for Community Based Services
Family Support : 1-855-306-8959
Cash assistance, food stamps, and medical assistance
Protection and Permanency: 859-498-6312
Adult services, adoption, childcare, foster care
Social Services: 859-498-6312
Human Resources Cabinet
Fees for clinic services vary. Please call 859-498-3808 with any questions.
The cost for educational programs varies depending on the particular program.
Our agency provides many types of inspections, many of which may also require a permit.
For information about Food Handler Training and Certification, visit our food handler testing page by clicking here. All food establishments are also required to have at least one certified food manager on staff during all hours of operation. For info about Food Managers Training, click here.
We offer a variety of classes. See our Calendar of Events for more details.
If the animal has broken the skin, you should immediately contact your family physician or go to your local hospital emergency room. You should also call our office to report the bite. Your call will be referred to one of our Environmental staff that will obtain additional information about the incident and instruct you on what additional steps to take. Our telephone number is 859-498-3808 and Fax number is 859-498-0719
Many women and some men can have no symptoms to some STD’s, but the STD can be causing permanent damage. If you think you may have an STD or have had risky behavior, you need to be tested. Telephone 859-498-3808 to schedule an appointment.
For information on a variety of health topics see:
Link to information on each vaccine: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/default.htm
To rent the community room you must contact the Judge Executive’s Office at 859-498-8707.
Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday (third Monday in January)
½ day on Good Friday (April 7)
Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
Independence Day (July 4)
Labor Day (first Monday in September)
Veterans Day (November 11)
Thanksgiving (2 days) November
Christmas (2 days) December
New Years (2 days) January
Fees apply to some services, however, no one will be denied services based on inability to pay. Services are by appointment. Those with no appointment will be seen as quickly as possible. The health department accepts Medicaid, Medicare and some private insurance plans. To find out what services are available to you, please call the health department at (859) 498-3808