Reportable Diseases in KY

Reportable Disease Notifications

Physicians, hospitals, and laboratories are required by 902 KAR 2:020 to report communicable diseases to the Epidemiology unit of the health department. Qualified health department staff persons provide investigation of the cases and report the communicable diseases to the Kentucky Department of Public Health, which reports to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The MCHD Clinic Nursing Supervisor can be reached for reporting or for consultation using the information below:

During Operating Hours:

Phone: (859) 498-3808

Fax: (859) 498-9082


Kentucky Department for Public Health, Division of Epidemiology and Health Planning


For after-hours contact regarding a notifiable/reportable disease emergency please call 911.

For the table of reportable diseases and conditions in Kentucky, click here.

For the regulations regarding reportable disease surveillance, visit

For the regulations regarding reportable disease surveillance, visit 002/020.htm.