WIC Program

WIC is a federal program that provides specific nutritious foods along with nutrition and breastfeeding education at no cost.


To be eligible for WIC, you must:

  • Be a pregnant, breastfeeding, or postpartum woman; or an infant/children up to 5 years old
  • Have a household income at or below 185 percent of the poverty level
  • Meet income guidelines or have a Kentucky medical card, receive Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (K-TAP) benefits or food stamps (SNAP), or have a pregnant woman or infant in the family who receives Medicaid or K-TAP
  • Be a resident of Kentucky

There is a handy tool that lets you see if you qualify. To use it, just click here.

Click Image for Larger Version

What You Will Receive

Foods you or your children may receive through the WIC program include:

Milk, cheese and yogurt

Vitamin C-rich juices

Iron-rich cereals


Dried beans or peanut butter

A baby may receive infant formula, infant meats, fruits, and vegetables, and infant cereal

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Whole grains (bread, rice, pasta, or tortillas)

For the complete listing of approved foods, see the food brochure by clicking here(English, Spanish).

If you have a smartphone, you can use the free WICShopper mobile app to view your benefits and determine if foods are WIC eligible.
The WICShopper App also lets you find retailers near you and obtain the current balance of benefits on your WIC EBT Card.

For the complete listing of approved foods, see the food brochure by clicking here.

If you have a smartphone, you can use the free WICShopper mobile app to view your benefits and determine if foods are WIC eligible.
The WICShopper App also lets you find retailers near you and obtain the current balance of benefits on your WIC EBT Card.

To Sign Up

The Montgomery County Health Department can get you enrolled in the WIC Program. Call (859) 498-3808 to schedule an appointment.
Note: We are not currently accepting walk-ins.

Hours are:

  • Monday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Tuesday 8 am – 6 pm
  • Wednesday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Thursday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Friday 8 am – 12 pm

What You Will Receive

Foods you or your children may receive through the WIC program include:

For the complete listing of approved foods, see the food brochure by clicking here(English, Spanish).

If you have a smartphone, you can use the free WICShopper mobile app to view your benefits and determine if foods are WIC eligible.
The WICShopper App also lets you find retailers near you and obtain the current balance of benefits on your WIC EBT Card.

For the complete listing of approved foods, see the food brochure by clicking here.

If you have a smartphone, you can use the free WICShopper mobile app to view your benefits and determine if foods are WIC eligible.
The WICShopper App also lets you find retailers near you and obtain the current balance of benefits on your WIC EBT Card.

To Sign Up

The Montgomery County Health Department can get you enrolled in the WIC Program. Call (859) 498-3808 to schedule an appointment.
Note: We are not currently accepting walk-ins.

Hours are:

  • Monday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Tuesday 8 am – 6 pm
  • Wednesday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Thursday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Friday 8 am – 12 pm

More People Are Eligible For WIC Than You May Think

WIC Serves

Pregnant, postpartum & breastfeeding women

Infants and children to age 5

Many working families (for example, a family of four with an annual income of $55,500 may qualify for WIC)

Meet income guidelines or have a Kentucky medical card, receive Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (K-TAP) benefits or food stamps (SNAP), or have a pregnant woman or infant in the family who receives Medicaid or K-TAP

There is a handy tool that lets you see if you qualify. To use it, just click here.

WIC Participants receive…

WIC Offers

Healthy foods like milk, cheese, yogurt, cereal, eggs, juices, whole grains (bread, rice, pasta, or tortillas), Dried beans or peanut butter, fruits and vegetables

A baby may receive infant formula, infant meats, fruits, and vegetables, and infant cereal

Breastfeeding information & support

Referrals to health & social services

Nutrition & health information

Infants who are partially or not breastfed may receive iron fortified formula

To Sign Up

The Montgomery County Health Department can get you enrolled in the WIC Program. Call (859) 498-3808 to schedule an appointment. Note: We are not currently accepting walk-ins. Hours are:
  • Monday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Tuesday 8 am – 6 pm
  • Wednesday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Thursday 8 am – 5 pm
  • Friday 8 am – 12 pm
WIC is an equal opportunity employer.

Montgomery County Health Department


Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 – 5:00
Tuesday 8:00 – 6:00
Friday 8:00 – Noon

WIC is an equal opportunity employer.

WIC – Approved Foods

Learn More:


Simplify your WIC shopping.

  1. Install “WICShopper” from your app store.
  2. Select Kentucky as your WIC Agency.
  3. Register using the 16 digit number from your WIC card.
  4. View your current benefits, food list, recipes, and more right from the app!
  5. Scan products using the app to verify WIC-eligibility as you shop!

For support with the WICShopper app, email wicshopper.support@jpma.com.

Click the links below to install

-> iOS App Store

-> Android Playstore 

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/USDA-OASCR%20P-Complaint-Form-0508-0002-508-11-28-17Fax2Mail.pdf


U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

De acuerdo con la ley federal de derechos civiles y las normas y políticas de derechos civiles del

Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA), esta entidad está prohibida de discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo (incluyendo identidad de género y orientación sexual), discapacidad, edad, o represalia o retorsión por actividades previas de derechos civiles.

La información sobre el programa puede estar disponible en otros idiomas que no sean el inglés. Las personas con discapacidades que requieren medios alternos de comunicación para obtener la información del programa (por ejemplo, Braille, letra grande, cinta de audio, lenguaje de señas americano (ASL), etc.) deben comunicarse con la agencia local o estatal responsable de administrar el programa o con el Centro TARGET del USDA al (202) 720-2600 (voz y TTY) o comuníquese con el USDA a través del Servicio Federal de Retransmisión al (800) 877-8339.

WIC Nondiscrimination Statement

Free Language Assistance and Other Aides and Services Available

Montgomery County Health Department
Memorandum: Clinic Services
Effective Monday, March 16, 2020

The Health Department Clinic will remain open and offer all services as usual including vaccinations, WIC, and STD testing and treatment.  

  • Effective immediately, we will no longer take walk-ins at 8am. The clinic will remain open, but in order to reduce the number of clients in the lobby at any given time, all appointments will be scheduled.
  • For our WIC participants: We want to ensure you and your children are safe and do not have to come into the clinic over the next month to receive your WIC benefits.
    • Starting March 16,2020, if you have an appointment for WIC, you will be called the day of your appointment to issue WIC benefits. If your appointment is for a WIC Recertification in which you and/or your child would have to be present during the visit, you and/or your child will be issued one month of benefits.
    • If your appointment is for a WIC follow-up visit, you will be contracted on the day of your online. Once you have completed your visit over the phone or online, 3 months of benefits will be issued.
    • We understand that not everyone has internet access or minutes on their phone. You and your child will still be able to come in for your scheduled appointment.
    • For parents who have just had a baby and need to get their baby added to WIC, you will need to call to schedule an appointment to comein. However, you do not have to bring your newborn baby in to the office.
    • If you still have over a month of benefits, we will contact you closer to time of your benefit run out of date to follow the process mentioned above. You do not have to do anything at this time!
    • We have a computer system that tracks every WIC participant to let us know when their benefits will be expiring and run a report daily to see whose benefits are expiring soon.
      We will call your household before your benefits run out to ensure no one goes without benefits.
    • We ask if your number has changed that you call us at 859-498-3808 to give us your updated phone number. If you have questions you may call this number or come into our clinic. Our clinic  will not close. But we are working to ensure that you have other options regarding WIC services if you choose.
  • We ask all of our clients to not come into our office if they are feeling sick, running a fever, or coughing. Call us first at 859-498-3808, and we will work with you. We offer services to pregnant women, babies, and children and we want to keep everyone healthy.
  • Toys and our playhouse will be removed during this time to limit the spread of germs.

Please know we are proud to serve you and are working hard to do everything we can to keep you and your family safe.

117 Civic Center Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 Phone: 859-498-3808 Fax: 859-498-9082

Para presentar una queja por discriminación en el programa, el reclamante debe llenar un formulario AD-3027, formulario de queja por discriminación en el programa del USDA, el cual puede obtenerse en línea en: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/USDA- OASCR%20P-Complaint-Form-0508-0002-508-11-28-17Fax2Mail.pdf, de cualquier oficina de USDA, llamando al (866) 632-9992, o escribiendo una carta dirigida a USDA. La carta debe contener el nombre del demandante, la dirección, el número de teléfono y una descripción escrita de la acción discriminatoria alegada con suficiente detalle para informar al Subsecretario de Derechos Civiles (ASCR) sobre la naturaleza y fecha de una presunta violación de derechos civiles. El formulario AD-3027 completado o la carta debe presentarse a USDA por:


U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410

Correo Electrónico


Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades

Legislative Update

NWA-Led Coalition Reiterates Call for WIC Benefit Bump Extension Beyond March 31

On Friday, the National WIC Association led a broad coalition of WIC providers, maternal and public health organizations, children’s advocates, farmers, retail grocers, researchers, and other advocates to push for the continued inclusion of the WIC benefit bump in the upcoming fiscal year 2022 omnibus package. In place since April 2021, the WIC benefit bump provides additional fruit and vegetable benefits for 4.7 million WIC participants.

Legislators must negotiate an omnibus package before February 18 to avoid another continuing resolution, with key appropriators signaling optimism that a deal is possible. The WIC benefit bump necessitated specific provisions in the September 30 and December 3 continuing resolutions to extend the benefits. Without action by Congress, the WIC benefit bump will expire on March 31.

Take action, speak out, and use NWA’s Action Alert (https://bit.ly/32uyhBO) to contact your Member of Congress and urge support for including the continued extension of the WIC benefit bump through May 23.

WIC Participant Nutrition Education Materials/ Materiales de Educación Nutricional para Participantes de WIC

Please click here to find the nutrition guide for you or your baby/child. Breastfeeding information can also be found on this page.( Haga clic aquí para encontrar la guía de nutrición para usted o su bebé/niño. La información sobre lactancia también se puede encontrar en esta página.): https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/ dph/dmch/nsb/ Pages/nutedmaterials.aspx