Restaurant Inspection Scores
The following Link will provide you with food safety inspection scores of different eating establishments and other business that serve food in Montgomery County, Kentucky. All food service and food serving establishment are required to post their inspection scores in a prominent location easily visible to the public. A Montgomery Co Environmental Health ordinance requires all establishments to post their scores near the entrance. When searching for a food establishment you must spell the name of the establishment correctly or enter zip codes 40353 or 40337. You will only be able to see scores from Montgomery County. Not all counties in Kentucky use a web link to post inspection scores. If you have questions or concerns of any of the establishments listed please contact the Montgomery County Health Department at (859) 498-3808.
You will only be able to see scores from Montgomery County. Not all counties in Kentucky use a web link to post inspection scores. If you have questions or concerns of any of the establishments listed please contact the Montgomery County Health Department at (859) 498-3808.